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React Crash Course
First Section
3. Install and setup necessary Tools (1:55)
4. Let's write our first React code! (8:13)
5. ES6 Overview: let - const - arrow functions (8:39)
6. ES6 Overview: map - filter (11:04)
7. ES6 Overview: Class constructor (3:10)
8. JSX Syntax (5:06)
9. Using class (6:05)
10. Stateless component (3:58)
11. Dynamic data (part I) (3:16)
12. Dynamic data (part II) (6:46)
13. Events (4:02)
14. State (part I) (11:18)
15. State (part II) (3:28)
16. Intro to the CLI (8:56)
17. CLI Components (7:41)
18 Organizing directories (3:39)
19. Including Bootstrap (4:47)
20. Setting up our components (6:06)
21. HTTP Request - Pulling posts (7:36)
22. Assigning posts to posts - state (4:47)
23. Displaying our data (5:24)
15. State (part II)
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